The Joy of Creating Something to Give Away

Posted by Mark Cockerille on

It is great therapy for me to make something from scratch. Be it a flower arrangement or a fresh bouquet for a bride, or baking a luscious pound cake! I believe when you create something, it is happiness you are creating to share -  like a slice of cake, a meal, a bouquet, or a little missive. These are all easily made and joy is found in the giving and sharing. I find great contentment when I make a casserole for someone just because I know they will appreciate it during their busy day. I'll walk a bucket of flowers over to a neighbor just because it feels good to share the bounty.

This week on What's InSTORE Fridays, I made homemade pimiento cheese. When I was mixing up the ingredients, I was already thinking ahead of who I would share it with. I created something that made me happy and will give some away to someone and it will make them happy too. Try it sometime and let me know! The satisfaction you get will only be out-measured by the happiness of the person who received it. 

Check out the recipe below for this tasty Pimiento Cheese. It's great on toasted white bread with a tomato slice. Add bacon? Sublime. Or use it to fill celery stalks or just spread on crackers.

Pimiento Cheese

1 pound good sharp cheddar cheese, grated. (See note)

1- 4 oz. jar diced pimientos drained well and patted dry

1 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbls fresh lemon juice

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp dry mustard (I like Colemans)

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

In a glass mixing bowl, combine all ingredients, except the cheese. When well blended, add the grated cheese and stir well to combine. Makes about 4 cups.

Note: The secret to good pimiento cheese is to grate the cheese yourself. The store bought pre-shredded cheddar has starch or a wax coating on it to prevent clumping. This can alter the taste and texture.


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